Thursday, August 14, 2014

Antique Kitchen Sinks - Add Some Class to Your Kitchen


There are many kitchen sinks in all types on the market today, but when looking for the perfect antique kitchen sink to complete your farmhouse decor or vintage design, your choices are a little more limited. Some sink manufacturers do have replicas made to look like an antique sink, but the chances are that you will need to look at designer stores or an antique dealer in order to find what you are looking for. Most authentic antique sinks are up to 1/2" thick cast iron and covered with porcelain.

These are extremely heavy in weight and also heavy duty. Some of the earliest designs were made with one wash basin with a drain in it. These were small and generally had a pedestal to support it. In later years, the sink was made with 2 sides; 1 for washing and 1 for rinsing, which was much more convenient. They are generally very deep and will accommodate large pots and pans with great ease. Many of them were designed with drain boards on either one side or both.

The washed and rinsed dishes were placed on these side boards, which have ribs on them and are slightly tilted into the sink, in order for them to drain into it and air dry. Double kitchen units were designed to be freestanding and supported by legs. The legs can be either wooden and turned in a pretty design, or of the claw foot design, which is very popular.

Most were painted white because antique kitchen sinks only came in white, though some are still available with stained legs. Most of the original sinks had a very large apron on the back that mounted to the wall. This has the same function as modern day backsplashes, which will keep water from damaging walls or leaking down the back of the sink onto the counter top.

 The front of antique kitchen sinks usually has a large apron also. Since the original usage did not incorporate the sinks into cabinets as we do today, the large front apron would protect the dishwasher's clothes from getting wet from splashes of water. Antique kitchen sinks may still be found and most all of them have a standard 8 inch spread for the faucet installation.

These size faucets are still manufactured by many companies and are readily available in many styles. You can also find the sink curtains which attach to them and pull open and close to store materials out of sight underneath the sink as when these sinks were originally used. These will complete your antique kitchen appearance.
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Choosing Your Kitchen Sinks and Taps


When you are looking to purchase and replace your kitchen sink, you will want to know what the types of sinks there are for you to choose from. The different types of sinks that you can choose from will add style to your kitchen when you are remodeling the whole area or you are going to make small changes to your kitchen starting with a new sink. The two types of mounting sinks are the under mount kitchen sink and the surface mount one.

The surface mount allows for the person who is installing it to see the rim of the sink while with the under mount, the rim is not able to be seen from across the room. When you are installing a sink in your home, you have a large variety of materials to choose from. The number one material that is most commonly used for making sinks is stainless steel. Stainless steel will match a large variety of appliances and surfaces in the home. You can have a single or you may purchase a double, which is quite popular as well.

 The other types of materials that are used to create sinks are ceramic or porcelain, and you also have the option of purchasing a kitchen sink made from granite and marble. The next step to finishing the installation is to install your kitchen sink taps. When you are shopping around for kitchen taps, you have the option to purchase the standard tap of two handles that turn on the hot and the cold water separately.

Then you have the more popular style of tap that has a single faucet that disperses your hot and cold water by the setting that you've chosen by the moving of the handle one way or another. Some of these types of faucets have the removable handle that comes on out on a hose to use the sprayer for rinsing dishes or other functions.

 You have the option of many different materials when it comes to the kitchen taps that you want to purchase. Some of the taps are made from stainless steel while other materials that can be used are bronze and chrome.

Depending on the type of sink that you have, you will be able to use different types of taps to match. In the end the most important thing is to try and pick out a matching set that suits your specific style and needs, and that will compliment the rest of your home. And with the myriad of choices of materials and designs available to pick from, you are sure to find something that will fit the bill.
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How to Choose From a Variety of Kitchen Sinks and Taps


Functional kitchen sinks and taps are fine, but for some, the idea of taking the extra step toward style and extra features is a way to enhance kitchen usage. Modern and sleek kitchens may call all for an all black ceramic sink with polished chrome taps. A more traditional version may have a porcelain enamel over cast iron version with a wall-mounted tap. Adding things such as water sprays and changing the material of a sink and the height of a tap can increase the function and design of a sink.

 A kitchen sink can come in many shapes, sizes, and configurations. One can purchase a square shaped or circular sink. The sink may be a stand-alone farmhouse version where the apron is visible in a country style kitchen. The bowl may be single or double and whether one washes and rinses in the same sink might be the final reason this style is chosen. How much space one has and the style of the kitchen often determines which one is selected.

Kitchen sinks and taps have come a long way and can beautify one of the busiest spaces in a home. With a stainless steel kitchen sink, one is buying a bowl that offers excellent clean up. It is also less expensive than other models if purchased prefabricated. The disadvantage for some would be how easily it may become dented. Other metals such as brass and copper are beautiful to look at, but they will not clean up as easily as stainless steel. They also tend to be more expensive. For some enamel sinks, the colors vary widely.

This is wonderful for those looking to match the sink with paint colors or colorful appliances. They may also chip, so protecting them is a must. In the quest for finding kitchen sinks and taps that work well together, look at how they are presented in home and garden shops.

They often give a great idea of what works together. A kitchen sink that is combined with a pullout spray faucet offers an easier way to clean around a sink. Some taps will come with a lever that is adjusted left or right for temperature and pressure.

The same tap may be equipped with a small sprayer on the side. Not everyone wants a lever and prefer to turn water on and off with separate handles. This allows users to control the flow and temperature from two different handles. These taps may be in stainless steel, brass and even chrome. They may have a standard spout on one with a higher arch. The combinations of sink and tap are endless.
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Kitchen Sinks taps come in many shapes and types and a great tap can help define the whole style of a room. Broadly speaking, taps come in two looks traditional and contemporary, but within each look there are many different styles

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